Dear Jones,

I find that your analysis of the book is correct unfortunately for the fiedl
and we have only a partial explanation of what has happened and no
prediction/instructions for a research strategy having chances to helo
researcher to solve the endemic problems of LENR we all know well.

I have criticized the paper for similar weaknesses as those shown by you,
when it was only in form of a paper.
See please my questions here:

Ed has answered the questions both on my Blog and at CMNS but we could not
agree. Ed said he will write a book and perhaps by reading it I will be
able to undesrtand and appreciate his New Theory.
My objections to it were:
- a destructive and practically unmanageable process based on cracking
cannot be basis for a commercial technology;
- Pd D and transition metals H processes are different and not D +D and H
+H, Mpther Nature do not accepts such constraints

- Pd D is technologically dead if wet, electrochemical

- the LENR+ processes (DGT, Rossi) seems to work outside this theory

Mea culpa probably_ I could not understand the concept of hydrotons

More important LENR is a multi-, ,multi-  process see my Questions.

I know for sure- the book is excellent as all publications of Ed, but we
still have to wait for a chain of theories explaining LENR.


On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Finally finished "The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction" over the
> weekend and find it to be a mixed bag - brilliant in places, but
> disappointing in others. There is no "cutting-edge" to be found here, if
> that is what you are looking for. I was, and maybe that is my problem. It
> can be recommended as a fine historical piece, very well-researched - but
> do
> not expect much more.
> Here is my main objection to Ed Storms' book from what is admittedly a
> minority point of view. It is a historical account of the first twenty
> years
> which overlooks the importance of new work, and that Ni-H is the commercial
> savior of LENR. All of that wonderful prior work with Pd-D, which set the
> table for where we are now, is valuable and intuitive, but .... To be
> blunt,
> when one is lost in time, with a focus on history, then the baggage that
> comes with that viewpoint can interfere with accurate understanding of
> where
> we are going. Palladium cannot really help us in the long run, and the best
> hope for deuterium now rests with Mizuno's new work. BTW - Mizuno's
> important new work is ignored by Ed and he cherry-pick data from old work
> that contradicts the new. That is almost unforgiveable in a book which
> promises accurate explanations.
> In short, Storms is only accurate for understanding results which were
> prior
> to Rossi and to "nano" but then falls flat - insofar as opening up the
> future. The book overlooks the most important new developments in LENR,
> like
> nanotechnology and SPP, or else fails to analyze them properly. I finished
> this book wanting much more and thinking that I had already read most of it
> anyway.
> In 24 years of accumulated experiment, which includes Mills - the
> experimental results are often contradictory, when considered in toto. When
> one is looking for commonality, as in this book, a general theme should
> emerge. That is where Ed's book fails - it begins with a false assumption
> and ends with a theme that points us in the wrong direction. To wit:
> 1)      Fusion of deuterium in a Pd matrix or crack strongly appears to be
> a
> novel kind of gammaless nuclear fusion, with helium or tritium as the ash.
> This is where Ed's account is authoritative and helpful. He is an expert
> with Pd-D.
> 2)      However, deuterium can participate in thermal gain without fusion,
> as the new Mizuno work indicates, which work is ignored as are many
> important new developments - like Cravens extremely important NI-Week demo.
> 3)      Reactions of protons in a metal matrix (no deuterium) strongly
> appears to be non-fusion, having almost no indicia of fusion, as in Rossi's
> work; but it can be nuclear in the sense of nuclear mass being converted
> into energy. Rossi is marginalized.
> 4)      Ed does not to believe that the two isotopes, deuterium and protium
> can entail completely different modalities for thermal gain - and so he
> proceeds to lump Ni-H into a category where it is not well-suited. Thus,
> for
> the segment of LENR which deals with Ni-H, his book is both wrong and
> counterproductive, since it casts the entire sub-field into chaos for the
> start by confusing two pathways as one.
> 5)      It should be noted, in defense of point 3 that slight transmutation
> is seen on rare occasion by a minority of researchers (notably Piantelli),
> but it is three orders of magnitude too low to account for excess heat.
> When
> copper is found with nickel it is in the natural isotope ratio which
> statistically proves absolutely that it cannot be formed from nickel.
> In short, this book is authoritative and helpful for understanding the
> history of cold fusion, Pd-D and most of the experiments following in the
> footsteps of P&F. That is the good part and if this is what you are after,
> then do not read-on.
> As for the downside, Storms overlook or marginalizes the fact that Ni-H may
> not be related to Pd-D and may not be fusion at all. He emphasizes the few
> findings which point to fusion, and fails to even mention contrary
> arguments
> and weight of evidence. The two isotopes are extraordinarily different and
> it makes no sense to lump them into the same modality. The bottom line for
> Storms book is that it will bring you up to date to around the year 2010 -
> in terms of where the field was then, but fails to move beyond that
> limitation.
> In neglecting to emphasize the importance of Ni-H, mention the zero point
> field, nanomagnetism (or almost anything related to nanotechnology), giving
> half a sentence to surface plasmons, marginalizing Rossi, Cravens, Mizuno,
> Mills, and ignoring Ahern, plus - ignoring dozens of other cutting-edge
> subjects, "The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction" should instead
> be
> called "The History of Cold Fusion in Palladium."
> But as disappointing as it was to me, it was still worth the time, and you
> may agree with Ed's perspective anyway, so have at it!

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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