Hi Bob,

Good comments.  Replies inline.

Just to mention it again, the model is no more than a back-of-the-envelope
estimate.  I'm guessing a rigorous treatment would do a lot of things


On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 2:23 AM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

 The first reaction that produces Ni-59 will end up as Co-59 with no gammas
> since the Ni-59 decay involves an electron capture and a hot beta +, which
> will give thermal energy to the matrix ( about .52Mev) with a subsequent
> beta+, beta- decay with its back-to-back .51 Mev gammas.  The total energy
> from the Ni-59 decay--half live 7.6x10^4 years-- is 1.073 Mev.

Although there are annihilation photons for the subsequent decay to 59Co,
the half-life is on the order of tens of thousands of years.  For that
reason I guessed that the number of photons per second coming from such
decays would be (relatively) small and went with the next highest-energy
photon source I could identify, 15 keV electrons, for which I assumed as a
safe upper bound that they could give rise to photons of equivalent energy
through scattering.

I think the number of 59Co decays per second will look like this:

λ = ln(2) / 7.6e4 y = ln(2) / 2.3e12 s
ΔN (decays in a second) = -λ N Δt = (-ln(2) / 2.3e12 s) * (1.37E+14) * 1 s
= -41 decays

I've plugged in the value for N=1.37E+14 from the model.  I assume the
negative result means there is a loss of 41 parent nuclei (59Ni) in the
process.  41 annihilation photons per second is not trivial, but I'm
guessing it's not that big a deal either.

Ni-59 has a -3/2 spin and and Co-59 has a -7/2 spin.  It seems that spin is
> changed since the beta+ particle would only carry +or- 1/2 spin.  I do not
> understand how spin angular momentum is conserved in the Ni-59 decay
> reaction, unless there are several neutrinos involved which could carry
> away spin angular momentum.

I don't know enough about nuclear spin and spin selection rules at this
point to comment on this detail.  The beta+ decay was taken from [1].

You have not considered neutron capture reactions with the various
> Ni isotopes.  If the H reacts in the magnetic field in the Rossi device
> with an electron to form a neutron as an intermediate virtual particle,
> then Ni-58 would go to Ni-59 and hence to Co-59 as described above.

For this one time, I was hoping to go with something that stayed pretty
close to normal physics.  Note that a proton and a closely bound electron
will not necessarily behave like a neutron at the time of a capture.  I
would expect the electron to fly off, carrying the energy of the gamma,
along the lines that Robin has proposed elsewhere.  (This contradicts what
I wrote above about hydrinos leading to gammas.)

Proton absorption reaction with Ni-60 would give Cu-61 with a 3.41 H half
> life. ... Proton absorption reaction with Ni-58 gives Cu-59 which
> decays with a half live if 82 s and produces a beta+ at 3.75 Mev and hot
> gammas at 1.3 Mev. ... A proton reaction with Ni-62 would give Cu-63,
> which is stable.

These reactions are all accounted for.

Rossi would not want Ni-58, but Ni-62 and Ni-62 would seem to be ok.  Ni-61
> would be undesirable also since it gives Cu-62 with the addition of a
> proton, and Cu-62 decays with a hot gamma of 1.17 Mev.

My take is a bit different -- under the assumptions of the model, I think
he would *not* want 62Ni.  See the columns to the far right.  A significant
amount of shielding will be needed to prevent the 87 keV beta- deexcitation
gammas from escaping (e.g., 2cm of lead).  If one figures out a way to
*remove* the 62Ni, however, the radiation gets better.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_copper

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