I went to the "Wattsup.." source article, and found that the problem (apparently) is undersized transformers at the towers. This is NOT a reflection on the feasibility of wind power, but on the so-called prowess of German engineering.

But yes, the engineers maybe were pressured by management to cut costs, went all gooey in the head.

Ol' Bab, who was an engineer...

On 9/15/2014 10:17 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Quoting this article:

      Offshore Wind power: Even Germany Can’t get it Right

    According to Breitbart, Germany’s flagship Bard 1 offshore wind
    farm has turned into a bottomless money pit, with stakeholders
    frantically lawyering up, scrambling to pin the blame and ongoing
    money hemorrhage onto other parties.


"My thought – if even the Germans, with their legendary high precision engineering skills, can’t make offshore wind work, surely it is time to pull the plug on this technically infeasible dead end?"

Let me rephrase that slightly:

My thought – if even the Japanese, with their legendary high precision engineering skills, can’t make nuclear fission reactors work, surely it is time to pull the plug on this technically infeasible dead end?

Let me add:

After trillions of dollars of R&D, subsidies for 70 years, one accident at Fukushima lost more money and destroyed more assets than any other source of electricity in history, and forced the shut down of the entire industry. In one day, nuclear power was revealed as the most dangerous and expensive source of energy.

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