Jack Cole <jcol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My hypothesis about the dummy run is the following:
> Out of a now-proven-irrational desire to avoid even the appearance of
> cordiality between the scientists and the inventor, they neglected to share
> information about the experimental protocol . . .

My hypotheses are:

1. There doesn't appear to be much cordiality between them. Maybe there
isn't? Rossi is not what you would call charm school material.

2. This is purely my imagination, but maybe a true account would be: "At
first we were nervous we would melt the thing; we did not know how high the
input power would be. After the test we were so excited, it did not occur
to us to calibrate again. We just couldn't wait to open up that sucker!"

I am guessing they were excited like kids with a new toy, so they messed
up. That's forgivable.

- Jed

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