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I've been busy...

I've been hacking the hell out of the build system and VOS library dependencies to make it more accessable to everyone. The focus of the next release is going to be platform support and ease of compilation.

Major changes include:

* Incorporating zlib, tinyxml and libircclient into the VOS source tree, to reduce external dependencies

* Generator script "autovcproj" to automatically create Visual C++ 8.0 project and solution files from the existing automake build system. This is a somewhat hairy combination of shell, make, sed and m4, but it has the nice advantage that it does not require any tool support that arn't already used by autotools.

* Use of flex/bison generated parsers replaced by either tinyxml, boost::spirit or handwritten scanners as deemed appropriate. Yes folks, this means flex will soon be just a bad memory. (With one exception, libASE, for which I've decided to commit the generated scanner source .c file to CVS)

* Hacked ltmain.sh (libtool generator file) to get around bug in the msys distribution. This means no more workaround involving Cygwin required to build VOS using the MingW/MSYS developer toolkit.

* The mingw configure script now searches for the vos-win32-mingw-libs-0.23.0 directory (containing precompiled distributions of boost and wxwidgets) in several places, eliminating the need to always pass command line parameters to ./configure.

Left to do:

* VOS on Windows doesn't seem to be working quite right. I need to debug it.

* Get VOS to build & run on my roommate's OS X box

* Apply relevant fixes to the vos-browser build (ter'angreal)

* Build working versions of Ter'Angreal on every supported OS.

* Make a new release

* ???

* Profit!

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
[ http://interreality.org/~tetron ][ pgpkey:  pgpkeys.mit.edu  18C21DF7 ]
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