And so says Jonathan Jones on 11/12/05 02:37...
> Just out of interest, forget sourceforge, forget the website, in your
> minds, what do you aim to acheive with this project?

I believe Peter has stated he wants to do the web, but he can speak for

Me, I want the "3dui" - the everyday UI you use to do stuff.  This is at
the same time more and less interesting, because there are already a few
functional 3duis.  (Or "vrui" or "ii" or whatever you prefer to call
it.)  I think they're not going anywhere because there is a lack of
pull, a lack of basically two things - enough apps that you can actually
use this in production, and a few killer apps that make people come and
try.  I think the killer apps is what we're working on - we have pretty
much the vr equivalent of IRC, and Peter dreams of the 3d web, and a few
of us are working on games which would be very flexible thanks to the
vos model.

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
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