Additional notes on interreality3d gui from IRC.
Participants: mm765, tetron

 - Had trouble moving the avatar.  Determined that this probably 
stemmed from a combination of issues:
   - Initially tried to use WASD keys (typical first person shooter 
configuration).  Interreality3D 0.1 doesn't bind these keys to movement.
   - The "d" key goes into drag and drop mode, which overrides the 
movement keys and is not obvious how to escape from (you hit "escape").
   - Once figured out arrow keys for movement, reported stuttering 
movement.  This seemed to be tied to resizing the window (?).  Mentioned 
he was using Windows Vista -- interreality3d hasn't been tested first 
hand on Vista, so it may be an issue with that OS.

 - Reported crash when clicking on "?" button, then closing the help 

 - Did not like having to push "escape" to cancel out of minor modes.  
Should at least be able to cancel mode using the same key that got into 
the mode.

 - Did not think splitting was a common enough operation to support 
having those buttons on the button bar.

 - Mentioned running out of space in the window when using the mouse to 

 - Liked the ability to go back to previous views.

 - Suggested having view "templates" for set GUI configurations.  I 
mentioned and we agreed this is the same idea as UI "skins" discussed 
previously on vos-d.

 - Suggested that chat view should be integrated as an overlay on the 3D 
view; a suggestion also put forward by winterk (I believe.)

 - Did not like Emacs-style multi-key chords.  I pointed out that the 
majority of Ctrl- and Alt- prefix key shortcuts are already monopolized 
by the OS, other GUI controls or by convention, so there are very few 
shortcut keys available without getting into multi-key chords.

 - Agreed the the UI will probably become clearer once its purpose is 
clearer.  Lacking the ability to do any interesting browsing or editing 
(which depends on the backend to supply that data) it requires a bit of 
imagination to see what the workflow will be like, and how a 
configurable UI plays into that.

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ ]
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