
I'm trying to install voyage-linux 0.5.2 for an ALIX 2d3-board with two 
partitions on a 4 GB SANdisk Extreme III CF-card. 

Since a single 4 GB partition does not boot on my ALIX, I decided to go the 
save way: A 100 MB boot-partition and the rest of ca. 3.9 GB as 
root-filesystem. I created the two partitons, made the first one bootable:
partition: /dev/sda1
- Type  = ext2
- Label = BOOT_FS
partition: /dev/sda2
- Type  = ext2
- Label = ROOT_FS

Then I installed voyage 0.5.2 with the following settings:
Configuration details:
Distribution directory:   /home/haasc/VPN-Appliances/voyage-linux/voyage-0.5.2
Disk/Flash Device:        /dev/sda
Installation Partition:   /dev/sda2
Bootstrap Partition:      /dev/sda1
Will be mounted 
on:       /home/haasc/VPN-Appliances/voyage-linux/voyage-cf-install/sda
Target system profile:    ALIX
Target console:           serial
Target baud rate:         38400
Bootstrap installer:      grub
Bootstrap partition:      /dev/sda1

But when trying to boot on the ALIX, I get after the GRUB-boot-menu this error 
(I sniped the whole boot-process of the ALIX):
--- snip ---
PC Engines ALIX.2 v0.99
640 KB Base Memory
261120 KB Extended Memory

01F0 Master 848A SanDisk SDCFX3-004G
Phys C/H/S 7964/16/63 Log C/H/S 995/128/63

BIOS setup:

(9) 9600 baud (2) 19200 baud *3* 38400 baud (5) 57600 baud (1) 115200 baud
*C* CHS mode (L) LBA mode (W) HDD wait (V) HDD slave (U) UDMA enable
(M) MFGPT workaround
(P) late PCI init
*R* Serial console enable
(E) PXE boot enable
(X) Xmodem upload
(Q) Quit

    GNU GRUB  version 0.97  (640K lower / 261120K upper memory)

 | voyage-linux-16Dez08                                                    |
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    Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
    Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the
    commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line.

  Booting 'voyage-linux-16Dez08'

root (hd0,1)
 Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
kernel /vmlinuz root=LABEL=ROOT_FS  console=ttyS0,38400n8

Error 2: Bad file or directory type

Press any key to continue...
--- snap ---

It seems to me that the handling of the two partitions does not work :-(

The /grub/menu.lst located on /dev/sda1 (/dev/hda1 on the ALIX):
--- snip ---
# This file generated automatically 
# on Di 16. Dez 15:26:19 CET 2008
serial --speed=38400
terminal serial

timeout 5
default 0

title voyage-linux-16Dez08
root (hd0,1)
kernel /vmlinuz root=LABEL=ROOT_FS  console=ttyS0,38400n8
initrd /initrd.img
--- snap ---

/etc/fstab on /dev/sda2 (/dev/hda2 on ALIX):
--- snip ---
#/dev/hda1      /               ext2    defaults,noatime,rw     0       0
proc            /proc           proc    defaults                0       0
tmpfs           /rw             tmpfs   defaults,size=8M        0       0
--- snap ---
The entry for the boot-partiton seems to be missing?

Also the files with the kernel and initrd are located in the directory /boot 
on /dev/sda2 ...

What are the necessary steps to install voyage-linux 0.5.2 with a small 
separate boot-partition and a big one for the root-filesystem?

Thanks in advance!
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely
Christoph Haas
Linux User #99546
GnuPG-/PGP-fingerprint: 944B D713 F72F 4398 B156 8089 DA8B 68F1 1543 51C3 

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