It's mostly not interactive; it's not necessarily long-form; and it's 
largely not 3D.  On the other hand, it is here today, and it's 
popular, and a lot of money (and big-name talent) is being thrown at 
it.  See

for an article about various companies that are creating animated 
content on the Web.  Apparently most of 'em are using Flash (one 
advantage of which is the near-ubiquity of the player software).

I think most of us here agree that the content is more important than 
any particular data format.  Are any of you doing work in Flash or 
other non-VRML formats?  Have you found any format particularly 
well-suited to *interactive* stories?  Have any of you tried any of 
the non-VRML approaches to 3D (for storytelling, I mean, rather than 
pretty objects or e-commerce)?

I've looked at some of the Flash cartoons out there, and so far I 
haven't been impressed -- the art mostly *looks* fine (though still 
nothing to write home about), but the stories are mostly just bad. 
Is that a natural consequence of Sturgeon's Law and/or growing pains 
of a new medium?  Are the good storytellers just hard to find among 
the chaff?  Or are they biding their time, waiting for a better 

As usual, I have more questions than answers.  Would be interested to 
hear people's thoughts about these topics.


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