Time to inflate the shoes a bit more ...

One has to ask why there are devils 
and angels in the universe, and of course 
as we were taught by Milton, they are 
the side effect of the war in heaven 
over the creation itself.
Devils are angels with a different agenda 
set by an angel with an agenda.  So, one 
can say, if God is One, indivisible 
(Brahma in the Hindu myth), then these 
agents, while immortal from the limited 
viewpoint of mortals, are really limited 
to the age of a creation, and in fact, are
the product of a creation.  (Instances, 
so to speak with very long lifecycles.)

A third class of near immortals also 
came into being.  These are the angels 
that are the conscientious objectors 
of the war in heaven.  Thinking it all 
ridiculous, they would not take sides 
and sat out the war on their own clouds 
indulging themselves in the pleasures 
of heaven.
Consider them the wildcards in the 
dualities.  In the judgment, these 
angels were condemned to become the 
elementals of Earth.  Because they 
did neither good nor evil, they are 
neither good nor evil, but they are 
very powerful because other than not 
being able to reenter heaven, they 
have the power of to transform themselves 
and the elements.  They are near gods.  
Yet they are condemned to be part of 
creation, so must also take on guises 
when they manifest to mortals.  

They are in music, in the wind, in the 
fabric of the mortal world, whatever 
they want to indulge in.  They have free 
will and God does not constrain them to 
God's public agenda nor can the devil 
constrain them to his.  They can 
constrain each other by the hierarchy of 
their own society.

If they take on a human guise, 
they are sorcerers, warlocks, witches, 
and so on.  Unlike angels and devils who 
must work with an agenda, the only agenda 
these beings have is their own indulgence, 
yet because they actually are woven into 
the fabric of a creation, they evolve. 
So, they differentiate, become wicked, 
become wise, become very individual 
according to their desire, and that desire 
is the means by which they are 
known to each other.
They can also do what angels and devils 
cannot; they can destroy a mortal, interbreed 
with mortals, and create offspring.  They 
are part of the fabric of creation and 
so can permanently affect it directly. They  
live only so long as the part of creation 
they are in exists.  They age slowly but 
faster than angels and devils who can 
enter creation but are never part of it, 
but much more slowly than the mortals. 

They all know their spells.  We call 
them XSL transforms.  They execute 
when a world transitions into the 
next state (consider it, episodes 
divided into scenes.  No commercials 
unless you need the money...).  Episodic 
construction is the easiest way to 
drive a never-ending story.

In case anyone wonders where I get this 
stuff, it was the exercise of trying to 
figure out where Samantha, Endora and 
their race came from originally and 
how Sam became the only witch to marry a 
mortal.  Call it, PreWitched. ;-)


Ekam sat.h, Vipraah bahudhaa vadanti.
Daamyata. Datta. Dayadhvam.h

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