As always, wish I had more time to participate in this discussion...

Also as always, I'm inclined to overlay my tabletop-RPG views on 
this.  (Perhaps Lurker Par has some thoughts about how all this plays 
out in existing MUDs, such as the groundbreaking work he and his 
company are doing now at -- I envision this 
kind of thing eventually being a back-end to interactive stories of 
the type we're talking about, with a 3D graphics display system in 
place of text descriptions -- there are a lot of ways in which the 
problems being solved are different in these two cases, but also, I 
think, a lot of similarities.)  In most RPGs, the GM does not -- 
cannot -- just set a clockwork universe into motion and step back, 
because someone has to play the part of Len's devils and angels -- 
non-player characters, inanimate objects, all the incidents and 
accidents that interfere with or promote character goals.

[Um, it's come to my attention recently that many people these days 
use the term "RPG" to refer to video games in which you go through a 
sequence of adventures killing everything in your path.  I suppose 
this is a reasonable usage -- until a recent review in Strange 
Horizons I had no idea that these games had true storylines, and I'm 
still a bit mystified as to how that works -- but it's not how I use 
the term; I'm talking about traditional Dungeons & Dragons-style 
roleplaying games, where everything takes place in the players' and 
GM's imaginations, perhaps aided by pencils and paper and dice.]

But there are a lot of different GMing philosophies -- and a lot of 
different tricks.  Some GMs try to come as close to the clockwork 
universe as possible: they create a detailed world, they create vast 
hordes of NPCs, and then they do their best to play those NPCs as if 
they were real people with real goals.  Other GMs are trickier, 
manipulating things from behind the scenes to ensure that things go 
the way they want, changing motivations and even facts on the fly as 
long as they're not already known to the player characters.  (Think 
Schrodinger's Cat: if the PCs don't know something, that thing can 
remain undecided, in limbo, until the PCs collapse the state vector 
by determining the single true answer.)

My usual example -- no time to see if I've said this before here, 
apologies if I'm repeating myself -- is when the PCs are faced with 
three doors, and they have to choose one.  The trickster/interfering 
GM can put the adventure behind whichever door the PCs choose -- 
whereas the clockwork-universe GM has to build three adventures, one 
for each door.

I think there's room for both styles; as long as the players don't 
catch you changing things behind the scenes, as long as they can 
maintain suspension of disbelief, it doesn't matter whether the 
buildings are all facades.  (Think that old Star Trek episode, the 
gunfight at the OK Corral, with the movie-set-style building 

The clockwork universe makes more sense in a computer-based story in 
some ways, because you don't need a human's intervention to keep it 
running.  On the other hand, in my experience it's less likely to 
result in a dramatically satisfying story than a universe with a 
hands-on God who can push things into the paths of best narrative.

So perhaps a modification of the devils and angels approach: a 
puppetmaster God (an AI if possible, but maybe it would have to be 
one or more humans in the near term) who can push the various 
entities in the world in various ways.  Nudge them in the right 
direction when they falter, provide rescues from frustrating dead 
ends if they spend a certain amount of time pounding heads against a 

Note that MUSHes often have storylines planned by a group of players 
who more or less run the game -- a multi-headed God, who can more 
effectively deal with the multitude of players interacting.  I gather 
that Live-Action RPGS (LARPs) also run this way.

And speaking of running, must run.


Jed Hartman
Fiction Editor
Strange Horizons

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