Survey membuktikan laki-laki dengan pandangan tradisional gajinya lebih mantabb.
Laki-laki yang berpandangan bahwa ada pembagian peran antara gender, di rumah
dan di tempat kerja, gajinya per tahun hampir $12.000 lebih tinggi
daripada pria egaliter,
yang meyakini kesetaraan gender.
Urutan gaji rata-rata:
- Cowok tradisional $35 ribu
- Cowok egaliter $23 ribu
- Cewek egaliter $21 ribu
- Cewek tradisional $20 ribu

Hasil survey ini mengejutkan para ilmuwan sosial penelitinya.
Menurut mereka, kemungkinannya:
1) cowok tradisional lebih "ngotot" menuntut gaji yang lebih tinggi
2) pengusaha mendiskriminasi pegawainya yang tidak berpandangan tradisional.

silakan menyimak berikut ini.


Method and Results:
The study, published in the September issue of the Journal of Applied
Psychology, is based on longitudinal information collected by a
federal government survey administered every two years to more than
12,000 people over a quarter-century. The U.S. Department of Labor's
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth began tracking people in 1979
when they were between 14 and 22 years old. The group is now between
43 and 51 years old.

Since many participants in the survey were children when it started,
incomes for both men and women changed dramatically over the 25 years
studied. Averaged over the quarter-century, salaries ranged from
$34,725 for working men with traditional attitudes to $20,321 for
working women with traditional attitudes. Working men with egalitarian
attitudes made $22,795 on average, while working women with
egalitarian attitudes made $21,373.

Since many participants in the survey were children when it started,
incomes for both men and women changed dramatically over the 25 years
studied. Averaged over the quarter-century, salaries ranged from
$34,725 for working men with traditional attitudes to $20,321 for
working women with traditional attitudes. Working men with egalitarian
attitudes made $22,795 on average, while working women with
egalitarian attitudes made $21,373.

Egalitarian men earn a lot less
Research indicates a wide pay gap, favoring men who have traditional
views of sex roles
Shankar Vedantam, The Washington Post Comment on this story
WASHINGTON - Men with egalitarian attitudes about the role of women in
society earn significantly less on average than men who hold more
traditional views about women's place in the world, according to a
study being reported today.

It is the first time social scientists have produced evidence that
large numbers of men may be victims of gender-related income
disparities. The study raises the provocative possibility that a
substantial part of the widely discussed gap in income between men and
women who do the same work is really a gap between men with a
traditional outlook and everyone else -- rather than a gap between men
and women per se.

The differences found in the study were substantial. Men with
traditional attitudes about gender roles earned $11,930 more a year
than men with egalitarian views, and $14,404 more than women with
traditional attitudes. The comparisons were based on men and women
working in the same kinds of jobs with the same levels of education
and putting in the same number of hours per week.

While men with a traditional outlook earned the most, women with a
traditional outlook earned the least. The wage gap between working men
and women with a traditional attitude was more than 10 times larger
than the wage gap between men and women with egalitarian views.

If you divide workers into four groups -- men with traditional
attitudes, men with egalitarian attitudes, women with traditional
attitudes and women with egalitarian attitudes -- men with traditional
attitudes earn far more for the same work than those in any of the
other groups. There are small disparities among the three
disadvantaged groups, but the bulk of the income disparity is between
the first group and the rest.

"When we think of the gender wage gap, most of our focus goes to the
women side of things," said Beth Livingston, a co-author of the new
study. "This article says a lot of the difference may be in men's

Similar jobs, hours

Livingston said she was taken aback by the result.

"We actually thought maybe men with traditional attitudes work in more
complex jobs that pay more or select into higher-paying occupations,"
she said. "Regardless of the jobs people chose, or how long they
worked at them, there was still a significant effect of gender role
attitudes on income."

The study offers an unusual window into the persistent gender
disparities in income that have been observed for decades. Critics of
the gender-gap theory regularly suggest that the gap between men and
women is an artifact of the career choices that men and women make, or
the different hours that men and women work -- arguing that more men
choose higher-paying professions such as law and business and more
women choose lower-paying professions such as education and social
work, and that men tend to work longer hours than women.

Researchers said all the conclusions in the new study were based on
comparisons between people in similar jobs, working similar hours,
with similar qualifications.

The empirical evidence in the study showed that there is a connection
between people's attitudes about gender roles and their salaries. It
was not designed to explain why those disparities come about, or how
people's attitudes -- supposedly a private matter -- affect how much
money they make.

Livingston and co-author Timothy Judge said there are two possible
explanations: Traditional-minded men may negotiate much harder for
better salaries, especially when compared to traditional-minded women.
Alternatively, it could also be that employers discriminate against
both women and men who do not subscribe to traditional gender roles.

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