Am 17.12.2012 16:47, schrieb Richard Hughes:
On 5 December 2012 14:32, Pekka Paalanen <> wrote:
One of the most important use cases is a video player in a window. It
has XRGB or ARGB window decorations, usually the video content in YUV,
and possibly an ARGB overlay for subtitles etc. Currently, the client
has to color-convert the video, and merge it with the decorations and
subtitles, before sending the grand ARGB buffer to the compositor.

A subsurface idea was what Øyvind and I
were discussing at the OpenICC hackfest when we were talking about
tagging a surface with a known ICC profile. This would allow a toolkit
to declare a window area to be AdobeRGB or some home-created camera
profile from a jpeg that has been tagged with an embedded color

Sounds natural to help with CM compositing needs and was therefore discussed [1] for OpenICC's Color Management Near X project in 2008.

However, we had seen quite some objections around subwindows at that time. Did something substancial change on that matter?

To put the question in other words, do Qt and Gtk developers now or soon play with the idea to use wayland as the internal compositing core?

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann


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