Quoting David Precious <dav...@preshweb.co.uk>:

Could this be the start of the last (and possibly first as far as I can remember) flamewar of WDVLTalk? :o)

It's not a flame war, it's just that you're wrong and MySQL sucks!



Actually, fair point about the replication; it's a shame that Postgres
doesn't do it out of the box.

I assume you've looked at http://pgfoundry.org/projects/pgcluster/ though?

Yeah, but seing as the "latest news" on the website dates from 2005 and it's still not _native_ clustering, I'm still not convinced. Especially as MySQL now has functionality for stored procedures and (using Innodb) has transaction support.

(And http://main.slony.info/ if you were interested in master-slave,
rather than multi-master).

Still not native... :oP

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

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