Quoting Linda Cole <lc...@internet.com>:

> List,
> Since WDVLTalk has been such a tight community for such a long time,
> we're going to move the list to the Webdeveloper.com forums rather than
> close the list. http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/index.php Tentative
> plans are to give you your own forum, and not just dump you in the
> already existing forum.   We hope to be able to move the Lyris list
> archives to WDVL.com where you will be able to access them.  I'll keep
> you updated as I learn more.

Hi Linda,

Whilst the fact that WDVLTalk may continue is excellent, the thought  
of this list moving to forums fills me with dread.

One of the main reasons I stay subscribed to WDVLTalk is because the  
messages come into my inbox, I don't have to fire up my browser and  
visit a particular site in order to search for a thread that I once  
posted on, everything is in my email client and fully searchable.

Everyone checks their email every day, if the list moved to a forum, I  
think that the list would die out as we don't all have time to check  
the forums.

I don't know if I'm on my own here, however if the list is to be moved  
to a forum, could internet.com at least consider a setup such as  
Nabble or mail2phpbb so that those of us who have a dislike of forums  
can still interact using email?



Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

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