I noticed that some new form validation code is landing (e.g.,
http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/45739).  That change adds stubs for the
ValidityState object.  What I didn't see in that patch is any kind of ENABLE
flag.  I suspect there should be one since otherwise it becomes difficult
for a web developer to know the difference between a complete implementation
and the currently incomplete implementation.  Web developers might have to
resort to nasty UA-sniffing hacks, which doesn't make anyone happy.
I'd like to propose that we add an ENABLE_FORM_VALIDATION flag (or something
similarly named).  I'm writing this to webkit-dev because I want to make
sure that other new web platform features that may be in development get
similar treatment while they are still in development.  Any objections?

This issue exists because we don't have a roadmap or release schedule for
WebKit.  Instead, we try to maintain a trunk stable development model, in
which releases by various vendors may be cut at any time.  I think we can
continue to manage that provided new, in-progress features get developed
under the appropriate #ifdef.

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