Hi there,

WebKit Bug "13128: Safari not obeying cache header" changed the way non-http 
resources are cached in WebKit. A comment from Antti Koivisto mentioned that, 
aside from the RFC2616 changes, there is "one additional change that gives 
non-HTTP resources long cache lifetime. This matches existing behavior."

I have the following scenario:

        function reloadFrameByDocumentWrite() {
        var frameDocument = 
        frameDocument.write("<img src='pic.png' />");
    <input type="button" value="Reload" onclick="reloadFrameByDocumentWrite();" 
    <iframe id="ID1"></iframe>

When I load the above code in WebKit and hit "Reload", the picture is displayed 
into frame ID1. If I change the content of *pic.png* picture while the page is 
loaded in WebKit and I press "Reload" button again, the frame does not display 
the updated content of the picture from the local disk.

I took a look at the changelist 44452 and in WebCore\loader\CachedResource.cpp 
double CachedResource::freshnessLifetime() const 
        // Cache non-http resources liberally 
        if (!m_response.url().protocolInHTTPFamily()) 
                return std::numeric_limits<double>::max();


This means that in cases like the one described above, since the *pic.png* has 
protocol *file*, it will be cached for a long time and the new content will not 
be displayed.

This is different than Safari 4.0 beta and Safari 3.2.1 on Windows. I was 
wondering what should be the right behavior here since I was not able to find 
that in RFC 2616? FF3.5.7 works like WebKit/Chrome/Safari 4.0.5. IE8 displays 
the updated image.

Mihnea Ovidenie
webkit-dev mailing list

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