On Jul 9, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Alex Milowski wrote:

> Being able to go around the commit queue means you can cheat.  That
> seems like something that should be reserved for more severe problems
> where we know the process used by the commit queue will fail.

That is not how I see it at all. And calling it "cheating" is quite offensive 
to me. Just because I want control over when and how my patch is committed is 
suddenly considered cheating?

Some of the glaring reasons I don't use the commit queue have been resolved 
(svn blame mainly), but the fact that there is no control over when the path 
lands is my chief reason. Often I need to update Apple's internal bug database 
when I make a change to WebKit, so I just can't rely on the commit bot to close 
the bugzilla bug. That means holding a bug open and knowing go back days later 
when it finally lands to close the internal bug. Other times there are internal 
deadlines that need to be meet and hours matter. As well as keeping patches 
that span WebKit and Safari in-sync.

So until the commit queue solves these issues, I will keep exercising my right 
to svn commit and be responsive to problems my commits might bring. But please 
lets stop calling it "cheating".

— Timothy Hatcher

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