On Jul 26, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Eric Seidel wrote:

> You can see many more examples of dom2string in the non-html5 results
> (where there are a zillion failure cases):
> http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/html5lib/runner-expected.txt
> dom2string.js came from http://code.google.com/p/html5lib I thought,
> but I couldn't find the source for it there.
> I'm not wedded in any way to dom2string.  But I do like the output it
> produces slightly more than the current dumpAsMarkup.  I agree,
> standardization might be nice.
> dom2string uses " for <#text> and </#text>.  newlines return you to
> the start of the line as you would expect.  (see the
> runner-expected.txt above).
> -eric
> p.s. Would be nice if we could just inject certain javascript into
> every page.  Sorta like how v8 allows you to define engine-level
> functions in javascript.  Would be nice to just make dumpAsMarkup()
> part of DRT, but write it in javascript. :)

That's easy to do, DRT could just force loading of the JS file that implements 
dumpAsMarkup() (or whatever we end up calling it). But I'm not sure that is 
better than including a JS file in the test explicitly. For one thing, most of 
the logic to dumpAsMarkup() (other than forcing a text dump) should work in any 
other browser, so it would make it easier to try our tests in other browsers if 
the JS code implementing it is included explicitly instead of magically. It 
would also make the tests more useful to try in a WebKit-based browser like 
Safari or Chrome, for that matter - you wouldn't need DRT to see the output.


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