
Work has started on a Gamepad (Joystick) spec in the W3C WebEvents WG.

If you're interested in commenting or participating, the mailing list
can be found at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webevents/

For reference, the draft in-progress can be found at


On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Scott Graham <scot...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Thanks Simon and Dimitri, I wasn't familiar with the procedure for
> attacking these sorts of things.
> I've started a discussion on public-webapps, which will hopefully help
> to clarify a sensible API. Please add your voice if you have the time
> and inclination:
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011JulSep/1019.html
> If the discussion proves fruitful, I will re-approach the WebKit
> community to figure out the best way to work on a prototype
> implementation. I've closed the previously mentioned bug for now.
> scott
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Dimitri Glazkov <dglaz...@chromium.org> 
> wrote:
>> We should do this right, you won't hear any arguments from me. But I
>> am also sure that "W3C time investment" is a code word for years of
>> soul-sucking bureaucratic drudgery. As such, I don't think you meant
>> we should be using W3C process as the measuring stick for doing things
>> "right" in WebKit. There would not be WebKit if we did.
>> What I hope you meant instead is:
>> * study the problem in the larger context of a Web platform
>> * come up with a set of use cases that cover the problem
>> * design a solution based on the use cases
>> * build consensus with browser vendors while prototyping it in WebKit
>> * write a spec and a test suite that makes sense
>> * submit this to W3C as time permits.
>> That's what we've always done, right?
>> :DG<
>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Simon Fraser <simon.fra...@apple.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> My main objection to adding this is that it's just one of many different 
>>> types of input device, and if we add these piecemeal for each device that 
>>> takes our fancy, we'll end up with a horrible mishmash of different input 
>>> events.
>>> I'd prefer a more general strategy of thinking about all the various types 
>>> of input events (e.g. joysticks, remote controls, assistive devices), and 
>>> having an API that caters for all of them. This of course would require 
>>> significant W3C time investment.
>>> Simon
>>> On Aug 24, 2011, at 9:43 AM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Scott Graham <scot...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Simon Fraser <simon.fra...@apple.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I think it's too early to implement this. We should wait until it's a W3C
>>>>>> draft at least.
>>>>> There's certainly work to be done in improving the design. I'm not 
>>>>> proposing
>>>>> to slavishly implement the API exactly as specified there.
>>>>> However, I would like to prototype and help with the design of this API by
>>>>> iterating an implementation in the Chromium port.
>>>>> Is a feature flag inappropriate for this? i.e. Should that sort of 
>>>>> prototype
>>>>> work be kept downstream indefinitely or until we have a draft spec?
>>>> FWIW, keeping implementation "downstream" (that is in Chromium) is
>>>> basically an equivalent of forking, and we should work hard to avoid
>>>> that. But certainly not by just rejecting prototyping outright --
>>>> because the only workaround for that is forking.
>>>> :DG<
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