Hello Eric,

As you may be aware of it, recently, many webkit efl contributors are
submitting EFL patches to Bugzilla.
So, In my opinion, it may be the time to have any system to share webkit efl
news with EFL developers.
Some significant patches need to be notified to all EFL developers, and
moreover we sometimes have to share
any news or notifications related to EFL with them.
For example,
- any notification related with removal of existing API.
- any notification related with adding of new API and as well as coding
style newly added and so on.

If we will have *webkit-efl* mailing list like other port, It would be very
useful for efl developers and it
can be used as communication channel before we submit any big change into
webkit bugzilla.
But, unfortunately, I don't know the way to make mailing list yet.
So, I would like to get your help, Shall I know how to make it or who is
responsible for it ?

Thank you,
webkit-dev mailing list

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