On Jul 12, 2012, at 6:50 AM, John Mellor <joh...@chromium.org> wrote:

> To take an arbitrary example, lets say that while iterating through a 
> ListHashSet something causes entries to be deleted. Intuitively it seems this 
> needn't invalidate the iterator, as long as the entry the iterator is 
> currently pointing to isn't removed. But is that actually the case in this 
> particular implementation? A well-documented library like Java's 
> LinkedHashSet will warn you "if the set is modified at any time after the 
> iterator is created, in any way except through the iterator's own remove 
> method, the iterator will throw a ConcurrentModificationException" and that's 
> that. I just tried to find this out in WebKit and had to read though 
> ListHashSetIterator, ListHashSetConstIterator, ListHashSetNode, 
> ListHashSet::remove, ListHashSet::unlinkAndDelete, HashTable::remove, 
> HashTable::internalCheckTableConsistency, 
> HashTable::removeWithoutEntryConsistencyCheck, 
> HashTable::removeAndInvalidateWithoutEntryConsistencyCheck, 
> HashTable::invalidateIterators, HashTable::shrink, HashTable::rehash, 
> ListHashSet::add, HashTable::add, HashTable::makeKnownGoodIterator, 
> HashTableIterator, HashTable::AddResult and ListHashSetTranslator::translate, 
> and even learn about using the template keyword for disambiguation. 
> Eventually there was enough information to conclude that yes, it probably is 
> safe since the ListHashSetNodes are allocated on the heap by 
> ListHashSetTranslator::translate, so even though the HashTable invalidates 
> its own iterators and HashTable::rehash may reallocate its storage, the 
> actual ListHashSetNode pointed to by ListHashSetConstInterator should 
> continue to exist. But constantly having to do such deep research makes 
> coding highly inefficient, and there's a high risk of making errors.

I think documenting the public interfaces of core data structures is probably a 
worthwhile tradeoff, since they change rarely but are used in many places. In 
fact, ListHashSet already has a class comment and documents some method 
behavior that is not obvious from the signature. Covering the issue you mention 
seems worthwhile as well.



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