--- Chuck Esterbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12/29/05, Roger Haase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > If I understand this correctly, a User record is in the process of
> > being moved into the Middlekit store, and it is expecting the old
> > mx.DateTime type of <type 'DateTime'>, but the MySQL-python module
> is
> > passing the Python 2.3/2.4 <type 'datetime.datetime'>.
> >
> > An idea was to uninstall mx and see what happened next, but yum
> > reported that MySQL-python 1.2 was dependent upon mx and would be
> > uninstalled along with it.
> >
> > Anyone have an idea of what to do to fix this?
> I maintain MiddleKit and I'll help you work through this. Did you
> regen your MK source code? If so and you still have the problem, can
> you send me your GenUser.py so I can look at it?

I have worked around the problem by uninstalling MySQL-python 1.2 and
installed the older MySQL-python 0.9.2.  Everything seems to work OK
with the older module.

I think the problem is incompatible defauts between MiddleKit and
MySQL-python 1.2.  Given the presence of both mx and Python 2.3+,
MySQL-python 1.2 is choosing to use the Python datetime module and
MiddleKit is using the mx DateTime.

I had regened the MK source code and I have attached the module.  The
relevant part is the setUpdateTime method at line 936 and the failure
is the type check at line 941.

Roger Haase

Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year. 
Thu Dec 29 12:52:17 2005
Generated by MiddleKit.

# MK attribute caches for setFoo() methods
_emailAttr = None
_nameAttr = None
_firstNameAttr = None
_lastNameAttr = None
_passwordAttr = None
_changePasswordAttr = None
_changePreferencesAttr = None
_jobCodeAttr = None
_connectionAttr = None
_screenWidthAttr = None
_screenHeightAttr = None
_colorDepthAttr = None
_ipAddressAttr = None
_cookieAttr = None
_browserNameAttr = None
_jscriptVersionAttr = None
_tinyImageSizeAttr = None
_smallImageSizeAttr = None
_mediumImageSizeAttr = None
_largeImageSizeAttr = None
_jumboImageSizeAttr = None
_doubleImageSizeAttr = None
_limitImageSizeAttr = None
_imageQualityAttr = None
_maximumImagesPageAttr = None
_surveySequenceAttr = None
_wikiIdAttr = None
_screenWidthLimitAttr = None
_updatedByAttr = None
_updateTimeAttr = None
_lastLogonAttr = None

import types
from mx import DateTime

from MiddleKit.Run.MiddleObject import MiddleObject
from types import InstanceType, LongType
from MiddleKit.Run.SQLObjectStore import ObjRefError

class GenUser(MiddleObject):

	def __init__(self):
		self._email             = None
		self._name              = None
		self._firstName         = None
		self._lastName          = None
		self._password          = None
		self._changePassword    = None
		self._changePreferences = None
		self._jobCode           = None
		self._connection        = None
		self._screenWidth       = None
		self._screenHeight      = None
		self._colorDepth        = None
		self._ipAddress         = None
		self._cookie            = None
		self._browserName       = None
		self._jscriptVersion    = None
		self._tinyImageSize     = None
		self._smallImageSize    = None
		self._mediumImageSize   = None
		self._largeImageSize    = None
		self._jumboImageSize    = None
		self._doubleImageSize   = None
		self._limitImageSize    = None
		self._imageQuality      = None
		self._maximumImagesPage = None
		self._surveySequence    = None
		self._wikiId            = None
		self._screenWidthLimit  = None
		self._updatedBy         = None
		self._updateTime        = None
		self._lastLogon         = None

	def email(self):
		return self._email

	def setEmail(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._email
		self._email = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _emailAttr
			if _emailAttr is None:
				_emailAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('email')
				if not _emailAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_emailAttr = 0
			if _emailAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['email'] = _emailAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def name(self):
		return self._name

	def setName(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._name
		self._name = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _nameAttr
			if _nameAttr is None:
				_nameAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('name')
				if not _nameAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_nameAttr = 0
			if _nameAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['name'] = _nameAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def firstName(self):
		return self._firstName

	def setFirstName(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._firstName
		self._firstName = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _firstNameAttr
			if _firstNameAttr is None:
				_firstNameAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('firstName')
				if not _firstNameAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_firstNameAttr = 0
			if _firstNameAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['firstName'] = _firstNameAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def lastName(self):
		return self._lastName

	def setLastName(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._lastName
		self._lastName = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _lastNameAttr
			if _lastNameAttr is None:
				_lastNameAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('lastName')
				if not _lastNameAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_lastNameAttr = 0
			if _lastNameAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['lastName'] = _lastNameAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def password(self):
		return self._password

	def setPassword(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._password
		self._password = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _passwordAttr
			if _passwordAttr is None:
				_passwordAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('password')
				if not _passwordAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_passwordAttr = 0
			if _passwordAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['password'] = _passwordAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def changePassword(self):
		return self._changePassword

	def setChangePassword(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int for bool, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))
			if value not in (0, 1):
				raise ValueError, 'expecting 0 or 1 for bool, but got %s instead' % value

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._changePassword
		self._changePassword = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _changePasswordAttr
			if _changePasswordAttr is None:
				_changePasswordAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('changePassword')
				if not _changePasswordAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_changePasswordAttr = 0
			if _changePasswordAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['changePassword'] = _changePasswordAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def changePreferences(self):
		return self._changePreferences

	def setChangePreferences(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int for bool, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))
			if value not in (0, 1):
				raise ValueError, 'expecting 0 or 1 for bool, but got %s instead' % value

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._changePreferences
		self._changePreferences = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _changePreferencesAttr
			if _changePreferencesAttr is None:
				_changePreferencesAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('changePreferences')
				if not _changePreferencesAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_changePreferencesAttr = 0
			if _changePreferencesAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['changePreferences'] = _changePreferencesAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def jobCode(self):
		return self._jobCode

	def setJobCode(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._jobCode
		self._jobCode = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _jobCodeAttr
			if _jobCodeAttr is None:
				_jobCodeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('jobCode')
				if not _jobCodeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_jobCodeAttr = 0
			if _jobCodeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['jobCode'] = _jobCodeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def connection(self):
		return self._connection

	def setConnection(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._connection
		self._connection = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _connectionAttr
			if _connectionAttr is None:
				_connectionAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('connection')
				if not _connectionAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_connectionAttr = 0
			if _connectionAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['connection'] = _connectionAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def screenWidth(self):
		return self._screenWidth

	def setScreenWidth(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._screenWidth
		self._screenWidth = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _screenWidthAttr
			if _screenWidthAttr is None:
				_screenWidthAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('screenWidth')
				if not _screenWidthAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_screenWidthAttr = 0
			if _screenWidthAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['screenWidth'] = _screenWidthAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def screenHeight(self):
		return self._screenHeight

	def setScreenHeight(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._screenHeight
		self._screenHeight = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _screenHeightAttr
			if _screenHeightAttr is None:
				_screenHeightAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('screenHeight')
				if not _screenHeightAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_screenHeightAttr = 0
			if _screenHeightAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['screenHeight'] = _screenHeightAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def colorDepth(self):
		return self._colorDepth

	def setColorDepth(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._colorDepth
		self._colorDepth = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _colorDepthAttr
			if _colorDepthAttr is None:
				_colorDepthAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('colorDepth')
				if not _colorDepthAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_colorDepthAttr = 0
			if _colorDepthAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['colorDepth'] = _colorDepthAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def ipAddress(self):
		return self._ipAddress

	def setIpAddress(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._ipAddress
		self._ipAddress = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _ipAddressAttr
			if _ipAddressAttr is None:
				_ipAddressAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('ipAddress')
				if not _ipAddressAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_ipAddressAttr = 0
			if _ipAddressAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['ipAddress'] = _ipAddressAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def cookie(self):
		return self._cookie

	def setCookie(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._cookie
		self._cookie = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _cookieAttr
			if _cookieAttr is None:
				_cookieAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('cookie')
				if not _cookieAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_cookieAttr = 0
			if _cookieAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['cookie'] = _cookieAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def browserName(self):
		return self._browserName

	def setBrowserName(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._browserName
		self._browserName = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _browserNameAttr
			if _browserNameAttr is None:
				_browserNameAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('browserName')
				if not _browserNameAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_browserNameAttr = 0
			if _browserNameAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['browserName'] = _browserNameAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def jscriptVersion(self):
		return self._jscriptVersion

	def setJscriptVersion(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._jscriptVersion
		self._jscriptVersion = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _jscriptVersionAttr
			if _jscriptVersionAttr is None:
				_jscriptVersionAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('jscriptVersion')
				if not _jscriptVersionAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_jscriptVersionAttr = 0
			if _jscriptVersionAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['jscriptVersion'] = _jscriptVersionAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def tinyImageSize(self):
		return self._tinyImageSize

	def setTinyImageSize(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._tinyImageSize
		self._tinyImageSize = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _tinyImageSizeAttr
			if _tinyImageSizeAttr is None:
				_tinyImageSizeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('tinyImageSize')
				if not _tinyImageSizeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_tinyImageSizeAttr = 0
			if _tinyImageSizeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['tinyImageSize'] = _tinyImageSizeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def smallImageSize(self):
		return self._smallImageSize

	def setSmallImageSize(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._smallImageSize
		self._smallImageSize = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _smallImageSizeAttr
			if _smallImageSizeAttr is None:
				_smallImageSizeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('smallImageSize')
				if not _smallImageSizeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_smallImageSizeAttr = 0
			if _smallImageSizeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['smallImageSize'] = _smallImageSizeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def mediumImageSize(self):
		return self._mediumImageSize

	def setMediumImageSize(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._mediumImageSize
		self._mediumImageSize = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _mediumImageSizeAttr
			if _mediumImageSizeAttr is None:
				_mediumImageSizeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('mediumImageSize')
				if not _mediumImageSizeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_mediumImageSizeAttr = 0
			if _mediumImageSizeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['mediumImageSize'] = _mediumImageSizeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def largeImageSize(self):
		return self._largeImageSize

	def setLargeImageSize(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._largeImageSize
		self._largeImageSize = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _largeImageSizeAttr
			if _largeImageSizeAttr is None:
				_largeImageSizeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('largeImageSize')
				if not _largeImageSizeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_largeImageSizeAttr = 0
			if _largeImageSizeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['largeImageSize'] = _largeImageSizeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def jumboImageSize(self):
		return self._jumboImageSize

	def setJumboImageSize(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._jumboImageSize
		self._jumboImageSize = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _jumboImageSizeAttr
			if _jumboImageSizeAttr is None:
				_jumboImageSizeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('jumboImageSize')
				if not _jumboImageSizeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_jumboImageSizeAttr = 0
			if _jumboImageSizeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['jumboImageSize'] = _jumboImageSizeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def doubleImageSize(self):
		return self._doubleImageSize

	def setDoubleImageSize(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._doubleImageSize
		self._doubleImageSize = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _doubleImageSizeAttr
			if _doubleImageSizeAttr is None:
				_doubleImageSizeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('doubleImageSize')
				if not _doubleImageSizeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_doubleImageSizeAttr = 0
			if _doubleImageSizeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['doubleImageSize'] = _doubleImageSizeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def limitImageSize(self):
		return self._limitImageSize

	def setLimitImageSize(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._limitImageSize
		self._limitImageSize = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _limitImageSizeAttr
			if _limitImageSizeAttr is None:
				_limitImageSizeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('limitImageSize')
				if not _limitImageSizeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_limitImageSizeAttr = 0
			if _limitImageSizeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['limitImageSize'] = _limitImageSizeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def imageQuality(self):
		return self._imageQuality

	def setImageQuality(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._imageQuality
		self._imageQuality = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _imageQualityAttr
			if _imageQualityAttr is None:
				_imageQualityAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('imageQuality')
				if not _imageQualityAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_imageQualityAttr = 0
			if _imageQualityAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['imageQuality'] = _imageQualityAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def maximumImagesPage(self):
		return self._maximumImagesPage

	def setMaximumImagesPage(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._maximumImagesPage
		self._maximumImagesPage = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _maximumImagesPageAttr
			if _maximumImagesPageAttr is None:
				_maximumImagesPageAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('maximumImagesPage')
				if not _maximumImagesPageAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_maximumImagesPageAttr = 0
			if _maximumImagesPageAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['maximumImagesPage'] = _maximumImagesPageAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def surveySequence(self):
		return self._surveySequence

	def setSurveySequence(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._surveySequence
		self._surveySequence = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _surveySequenceAttr
			if _surveySequenceAttr is None:
				_surveySequenceAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('surveySequence')
				if not _surveySequenceAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_surveySequenceAttr = 0
			if _surveySequenceAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['surveySequence'] = _surveySequenceAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def wikiId(self):
		return self._wikiId

	def setWikiId(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is not types.StringType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting string type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._wikiId
		self._wikiId = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _wikiIdAttr
			if _wikiIdAttr is None:
				_wikiIdAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('wikiId')
				if not _wikiIdAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_wikiIdAttr = 0
			if _wikiIdAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['wikiId'] = _wikiIdAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def screenWidthLimit(self):
		return self._screenWidthLimit

	def setScreenWidthLimit(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._screenWidthLimit
		self._screenWidthLimit = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _screenWidthLimitAttr
			if _screenWidthLimitAttr is None:
				_screenWidthLimitAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('screenWidthLimit')
				if not _screenWidthLimitAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_screenWidthLimitAttr = 0
			if _screenWidthLimitAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['screenWidthLimit'] = _screenWidthLimitAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def updatedBy(self):
		return self._updatedBy

	def setUpdatedBy(self, value):
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is types.LongType:
				value = int(value)
			elif type(value) is not types.IntType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting int type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._updatedBy
		self._updatedBy = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _updatedByAttr
			if _updatedByAttr is None:
				_updatedByAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('updatedBy')
				if not _updatedByAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_updatedByAttr = 0
			if _updatedByAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['updatedBy'] = _updatedByAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def updateTime(self):
		return self._updateTime

	def setUpdateTime(self, value):
		# have DateTime
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is type(''):
				value = DateTime.DateTimeFrom(value)
			if type(value) is not DateTime.DateTimeType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting datetime type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._updateTime
		self._updateTime = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _updateTimeAttr
			if _updateTimeAttr is None:
				_updateTimeAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('updateTime')
				if not _updateTimeAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_updateTimeAttr = 0
			if _updateTimeAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['updateTime'] = _updateTimeAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

	def lastLogon(self):
		return self._lastLogon

	def setLastLogon(self, value):
		# have DateTime
		if value is not None:
			if type(value) is type(''):
				value = DateTime.DateTimeFrom(value)
			if type(value) is not DateTime.DateTimeType:
				raise TypeError, 'expecting datetime type, but got value %r of type %r instead' % (value, type(value))

		# set the attribute
		origValue = self._lastLogon
		self._lastLogon = value

		# MiddleKit machinery
		self._mk_changed = 1  # @@ original semantics, but I think this should be under "if not self._mk_initing..."
		if not self._mk_initing and self._mk_serialNum>0 and value is not origValue:
			global _lastLogonAttr
			if _lastLogonAttr is None:
				_lastLogonAttr = self.klass().lookupAttr('lastLogon')
				if not _lastLogonAttr.shouldRegisterChanges():
					_lastLogonAttr = 0
			if _lastLogonAttr:
				# Record that it has been changed
				if self._mk_changedAttrs is None:
					self._mk_changedAttrs = {} # maps name to attribute
				self._mk_changedAttrs['lastLogon'] = _lastLogonAttr  # changedAttrs is a set
				# Tell ObjectStore it happened

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