
I'm using webware in production since almost 10 months now. I would
first like to thank all webware contributors. I'm really busy actually,
and hope to contribute some of my code as soon as I can.

My server is a centos4 with a python2.4.1 package which came from the
atrpms repository (which doesn't exist anymore...).
It has been running rock solid since several months without any
problems. But there have been 2 times (3 weeks beween) where I noticed a
process freeze. The process don't even react to a kill. I have to do a
kill -9 to kill the process then restart it. Sometimes it doesn't want
to restart also... I have to rekill -9/restart several times until
everything goes fine again.
I'm not sure it is webware related, as I absolutely don't know what
could be the problem.
The kill-9 thing seems that it is not related to webware, but more to
python itself.
Is there a way to know about the process state? (stack)
If someone has a clue, I would be happy to hear it.

Thanks again

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