I recently installed Webware 1.1b on a new machine, and left it at its default Min/Start/MaxServerThreads (5/10/20) in webwarework/Configs/AppServer.config. I have observed that even when MinServerThreads are all busy, Webware is not starting new threads to handle new connections. Looking at the code, this seems to be because Webware decides how many threads it needs based on past activity; all threads being busy does not in itself trigger the creation of new threads. (I could be misunderstanding the code here.)

I observed it using a simple Webware script that reports the number of active threads and roughly what they are doing. This script is normally very fast because it waits on no locks and does no database work. However when the server is busy I have occasionally noticed a several second delay before it returns, and when it does return I see that the other threads are all busy, and that the number of threads is still just 5. In fact, the number of threads is /always/ just 5, so far as I can see.

Perhaps it is just that my requests come in a bad pattern: I observe that most of the Webware threads are idle most of the time, but occasionally a bunch of requests will come in together, and slow each other down trying to update the same table. As they wait, others pile in until the database clears the backlog and everyone is finished.

I have fixed my problem by upping MinServerThreads to 20. I also noticed that I had MinServerThreads set to 100 on my old machine (Webware 0.8.1 or thereabouts), courtesy of an incident a few years ago when some of my threads were locking up, so I suspect what I am observing is not new.

So my question is: is this behaviour normal? Am I handling this the right way?

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