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                       WEIRD SIDE E-ZINE
                                Issue #56



Welcome again to all our new and "old" subscribers. 

Ok, let's start with the good news!

I have started another contest that will be active for as long 
as this newsletter exists. Yes, from this week on, you can 
win a LIFE LONG and FREE Membership to the "Secret 
Weird Site Members Club". 

How can you participate? Well, it's dead simple. 

All you need to do is forward this newsletter to your friends, 
ask them to subscribe, send me a CC (Carbon Copy) of your 
email forward and you will be automatically entered in the 

Yes, that's all!

I will announce the winner in next issue, so go hit that forward 
button, and spread the word -you may be the first winner of the 
Life Long Club Membership!

More details at:
<a href=" http://www.theweirdsite.com/contest.htm ">AOL Click here</a>

Thanks for being here again! Enjoy the read!

Dirk Dupon, your editor
<a href=" mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ">AOL Click here</a>


WHAT'S NEW in the "Secret Weird Site Members Club":

- Observations of an unimportant man -"I am predominantly an 
  unimportant man, and these are my observations..."
- Forceed Calista Flockhart -A game for those who don't agree 
  with "thinner is better!"
- Life on the Beat  -An awesome police page. Find out what 
  police officers really think. Contains photo's from real cases.
- 101 Cop and Law Jokes -The best on the Internet
- The Citizens Self-Arrest Form -An easy form to report crime...
- The best beer drinking stories -You’re just a click away from 
  other beer pals.
- The Web of Lies -How much of what you read can you trust? 

Want to have access to all this exciting info? Sign up NOW:
<a href=" http://www.theweirdsite.com/members.htm ">AOL Click here</a>


Please give us a vote at:
<a href=" http://www.fun-lists.com/cgi-bin/g.cgi?514.30.0 ">Vote for 


To read this issue of Weird Side E-zine on line, click here: 
<a href=" http://www.theweirdsite.com/archive.htm ">AOL Link</a>


    =>  Sponsor ad 
    =>  New sites
    =>  Bits and bytes     
    =>  Weird News 
    =>  Drunken Quote
    =>  Software Recommendation
    =>  Funny Autoresponder
    =>  User Tip 
    =>  Free stuff 
    =>  Subscribe/Unsubscribe information

  SPONSOR AD (please check our sponsors)

                    MULTIMEDIA HUMOR EMAG
Edited by a former professional Stand up Comedian, AVHumor is 
a twice weekly completely free hilarious EZine, of Audio and Visual 
multimedia humor, such as cartoons, photos, movies, audio clips 
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* Beneath Los Angeles

People come to L.A. from all over. The only folks who were 
born here will tell you it's not the same as it used to be, and 
they're leaving. In L.A. everybody's always coming or going. 
Except the dead. They're the only permanent residents here.
<a href=" http://www.beneathlosangeles.com/cgi/page.cgi ">AOL Click 

* Look A Likes

It's amazing how many people look like famous people. Here
you can check a fake Bruce Willis, Madonna, Lady Di, etc... 
<a href=" http://www.lookalikes-usa.com ">AOL Click here</a>

* Bus Plunge

Buses are supposed to stay on the road, but this web site keeps
track of those that don't. 
<a href=" http://users.lmi.net/tcs55 ">AOL Click here</a>

* Time Line of Doom

Will Doomsday be the apocalyptic Battle of Armageddon, a 
nuclear war, or a random act of the Fates?
<a href=" http://home.att.net/~armageddon_watch/armagedon.html ">AOL 
Click here</a>

Know another weird site that would fit here? Submit it at: 
<a href=" http://www.theweirdsite.com/Feedback.html ">AOL Click here</a>
 BITS AND BYTES... to make PC-life more fun and easy!

Windows Trouble?

This site will take care of your Windows problem. Learn more 
about the Windows Operating System. You can find hundreds 
of pages with specific error messages and a link to cause & 
solution, or read articles to refine your troubleshooting skills. 

Browse this site and you will find your way around! 
<a href=" http://www.windowstrouble.com ">AOL Click here</a>


Adison, Wisconsin. A man wanted to see his own funeral, and 
to make sure it was fun, he threw it himself. The 89-year-old one
marched ahead of his coffin and 6 pallbearers during a mock 
funeral procession that he called his contribution to friends, relatives 

and Dixieland jazz. He invited hundreds of people to the city's 
convention center, saying they no longer need to have a funeral 
when he really dies. 

A 20 year girl in Richmond stabbed her boyfriend because he 
brought her a ham, egg and cheese bagel and coffee instead 
of the 2 sausage McMuffins and orange juice that she wanted. 
A witness says the boyfriend usually got the order wrong, and 
his girlfriend warned him there'd be trouble this time around if 
he screwed up. (Contra Costa Times)

Cecil Collins, a former Miami Dolphins player, has been jailed 
for 15 years for breaking into a woman's home and watching her 
sleep. Cecil was given the maximum sentence in court because 
of an earlier conviction for a similar offence. Ron and Tina Nolte 
awoke to find Cecil running back in their bedroom. Collins was 
convicted of burglary. He claimed Tina Nolte and he were lovers. 
When arrested, Collins told police he only wanted to watch Tina 
as she slept. The Dolphins released him two months after the 

Florida shock-job Bubba the Love Sponge, his producer and 2 
listeners have been charged with the killing of a wild boar in the 
radio station parking lot last month. A cop says: "Of course (wild 
boars) are a nuisance in some parts of Florida, but someone 
should not be allowed to kill them, or any animal, for entertainment 
purposes." The Love Sponge complains: "They've made this the 
largest dog-and-pony show ever. It's really sad. I may have done 
something distasteful, but I certainly didn't do anything illegal. I 
am so ready to leave this town." (St. Petersburg Times)

More weird and off beat news and articles at:
<a href=" http://www.theweirdsite.com/weirdnews.htm ">AOL Click here</a>

"You know you're a Drunken Bastard when your Family Tree is 
firmly planted in the front lawn of the Betty Ford Clinic."


"You know, somebody actually complimented me on my 
driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen which 
said, 'Parking Fine.'"
- Tommy Cooper

"Even very young children need to be informed about dying.
Explain the concept of death very carefully to your child. This 
will make threatening him with it much more effective."
- P. J. O'Rourke

"I'd probably like my doctor a bit more if he wouldn't walk
around humming 'Another One Bites the Dust' all the time."
- Kristy Baxter

 AD SWAP -Please have a look at these fine E-zines

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This weeks autoresponder contains "REAL MEDICAL QUOTES",
lifted from the medical records of a general hospital in a large 
metropolitan area... To receive them, just click the link below: 
<a href=" mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ">AOL Click here</a>



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your computer take up the most room. Handy stuff!
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Another tip from AAA-Software E-zine. Get the latest share- and 
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software shop again! Join here:
<a href=" http://www.aaasoftware-ezine.com ">AOL Click here</a>

Are you having problems defragmenting your computer's 
hard drive? Do programs keep interrupting the process, 
making the defrag process start over and over and over 

Be sure you have closed all the stuff that's running behind 
the scenes. Using the three fingered salute, press Ctrl, Alt, 
and Delete. The easiest way to do this is use your left hand 
for the Ctrl and Alt keys, and poke the Delete key with a finger 
on your right hand. A pencil or pen or letter opener works 
equally as well.

When you do this, you'll see the Close Program dialog box. 
Individually select programs to close by clicking to highlight, 
then click End Task. Don't click the Shut Down button unless 
you want to terminate your computing experience.  Close all
programs except Explorer and SysTray, then defrag. If you 
continue to have problems, you may need the services of 
the Power Defragmenter from the following site:
<a href=" http://www.powerdefrag.com ">AOL Click here</a>


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step by step, in Plain English. There are so many Wonderful
things you can do with your computer, and we will show you,
Newbie or Expert, how. 
<a href=" http://newbieclub.com/home/sidder ">AOL Click here</a>


Have you seen our newest "Weird Picture of the Week"?
<a href=" http://www.theweirdsite.com/weirdpic.htm ">AOL Click here</a>

Or the "Weird Toon of the Week"?:
<a href=" http://www.theweirdsite.com/weirdbyte.htm ">AOL Click here</a>



Laughmeister's Vice is a twice weekly newsletter filled with wild 
true stories and jaw-dropping tales of debauchery and deviance.  
>From the occasional drunken weekend to hopelessly hedonistic 
lifestyles, we take you on a wild ride of true tales from our readers.  
Yes, in answer to your question, there will be many tales of strange 
sex stories. You must be 18+ to Join.
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Want your ad to be seen by 12.800 readers? All info:
<a href=" http://www.theweirdsite.com/ads.htm ">AOL Click here</a>


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Thank you for reading this! We will be with you again on 
10 April 2001. If you want us of course :-)

© Copyright 2001 Dirk Dupon. All Rights Reserved.

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