"Maciej W. Rozycki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Bugs are of course inevitable and you shouldn't be surprised seeing
> them especially as on exotic platforms (you even admit you've never
> been able to reproduce some of the other's problems on your
> systems).

Please note that a platform doesn't qualify as "exotic" just because I
don't currently have access to it.  I have regular access to only
Linux and Solaris.

> Finally, there are so many people complaining about libtool -- but
> how many of them actually did anything to make it better?

I haven't tried to make it better partly because I wasn't convinced
that Libtool was the right tool for the problem to begin with.  As
soon as a more focused alternative solution appeared, I used it and I
think it was the right decision.

> Of these, how many failed to achieve their goal due to a conceptual
> problem with libtool? -- only these can actually claim they have
> rights to blame libtool.  Everyone else please either file bug
> reports (or better yet fix bugs you trip over) or keep silent.

Sorry, I find that my time is more productively spent doing other
things.  And I don't accept the position that one has to *earn* his
right to speak of Libtool's shortcomings, or that others should "keep
silent" just because they don't have the inclination to work on it.

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