>>>>> "Hrvoje" == Hrvoje Niksic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Hrvoje> Wget currently uses "KB" as abbreviation for "kilobyte".
    Hrvoje> In a Debian bug report someone suggested that "kB" should
    Hrvoje> be used because it is "more correct".  The reporter
    Hrvoje> however failed to cite the reference for this, and a
    Hrvoje> search of the web has proven inconclusive.

    Hrvoje> Does someone understand the spelling issues involved
    Hrvoje> enough to point out the "correct" spelling and back it up
    Hrvoje> with arguments?

Hi Hrvoje,

I can't cite a reference either.

I've seen common practice where multipliers greater unity (K, M, G, T)
are uppercase, smaller unitiy (m, u, n, p, a) are lower case.

I'd use b for bits and B for Bytes to distiguish the two.  I've also
seen this in common practice.

Adrian Aichner

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