Noel Koethe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "The internationalization of wget seem incomplete. It is translated, but not
> properly localized, which can easily be seen here:
>   Längd: 34,885,632 [audio/mpeg]
>   100%[====================================>] 34,885,632

True.  I intended the thousand separator to be a simple visual aid; I
didn't even think about the "proper" separators and how this should be
done in different locales.

Most of Wget avoids the localization issues by using ISO 8601-like
formats for dates, and sticking to the C locale when printing numbers.
So far noone has complained.  At the risk of sounding the wrong way,
I'd like to ask: is this really so much of a problem?  Are other
command-line programs using thousands separators, and doing it
correctly, so that Wget stands apart?

I'd really like the basic output of numbers not to depend on the
locale -- if such a thing is acceptable.

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