Am Dienstag, 07.10.03, um 16:36 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb Hrvoje Niksic:
What the current code does is: determine the file size, send
Content-Length, read the file in chunks (up to the promised size) and
send those chunks to the server.  But that works only with regular
files.  It would be really nice to be able to say something like:

mkisofs blabla | wget http://burner/localburn.cgi --post-file /dev/stdin

That would indeed be nice. Since I'm coming from the WebDAV side of life: does wget allow the use of PUT?

My first impulse was to bemoan Wget's antiquated HTTP code which
doesn't understand "chunked" transfer.  But, coming to think of it,
even if Wget used HTTP/1.1, I don't see how a client can send
chunked requests and interoperate with HTTP/1.0 servers.

How do browsers figure out whether they can do a chunked transfer or not?

I haven't checked, but I'm 99% convinced that browsers simply don't give a shit about non-regular files.

That's probably true. But have you tried sending without Content-Length and Connection: close and closing the output side of the socket before starting to read the reply from the server?


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