"Tony Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm trying to figure out how to do a POST followed by a GET.
> If I do something like:
> wget http://www.somesite.com/post.cgi --post-data 'a=1&b=2' 
> http://www.somesite.com/getme.html -d

Well... `--post-data' currently affects all the URLs in the Wget run.
I'm not sure if that makes sense... perhaps it should only apply to
the first one.  But I'm not sure that makes sense either -- what if I
*want* to POST the same data to two URLs, much like you want to POST
to one and GET to the other?

Maybe the right thing would be for `--post-data' to only apply to the
URL it precedes, as in:

    wget --post-data=foo URL1 --post-data=bar URL2 URL3

In that case, URL1 would be POSTed with foo, URL2 with bar, and URL3
would be fetched with GET.

But I'm not at all sure that it's even possible to do this and keep
using getopt!

What do the others think?

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