From what I understand, killing wget processes may result in resource leaks. If wget could self-terminate, it could do so more gracefully and note the termination in its log file. Plus writing scripts to launch and kill processes is certainly not trivial.


Mauro Tortonesi wrote:
Frank McCown wrote:

It would be great if wget had a way of limiting the amount of time it took to run so it won't accidentally hammer on someone's web server for an indefinate amount of time. I'm often needing to let a crawler run for a while on an unknown site, and I have to manually kill wget after a few hours if it hasn't finished yet. It would be nice if I could do:

wget --limit-time=120 ...

to make it stop itself after 120 minutes.

Please cc me on any replies.

i don't think we need to add this feature to wget, as it can be achieved with a shell script that launches wget in background, sleeps for the given amount of time and then kills the wget process.

however, if there is a general consensus about adding this feature to wget, i might consider changing my mind.

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