On Jul 12, 2006, at 17:57, Robin Lionheart wrote:

Henri Sivonen wrote:
And then what? Why is it useful that a computer knows that a string on a Web page is a human name?
Off the top of my head, a couple possible benefits of tagging proper names:

* smarter search engines
(<name>Bill Gates</name> is not the words "bill" and "gates". Could be beneficial to newspaper sites.)

For the search engines internal to news sites this could be implemented using a private extension if it was deemed worth the trouble.

As for general search engines, this isn't really a problem. If I Google for "bill gates", I get results about Bill Gates--not about invoice stages or something similarly contrived. And I am pretty sure that if Google or a competitor wanted to do something smart with names on Web pages, they'd be better off seeding a guessing machine with phone book data than by insisting that everyone change their markup.

* speech synthesis
(Surely there's a good reason CSS3 Speech has "interpret-as: name" and VoiceXML has interpret-as="name")

"The interpret-as property has been temporarily dropped until the Voice Browser working group has further progressed work on the SSML <say-as> element."
...says the latest CCS3 Speech WD.

I don't see interpret-as="name" in VoiceXML 2.0 or 2.1.

* spell checking
   (Usable by Web page editing software)

Spell checkers work just fine without knowing what words are names.

Henri Sivonen

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