I'm not sure how this is a backwards compatibility issue. My understanding is that user agents aren't actually parsing information from the doctype, just checking for its existence. The only applications that should break are validators, which would need to be updated anyway.

I ran some quick (and highly unscientific tests) on ff1.5 and ie7 (both pc) with a real html 4 doctype, <!DOCTYPE html>, and <!DOCTYPE html5> (both with and without a space before the 5), and nothing broke in terms of rendering or function.

Please let me know if there's something I'm missing here.

Colin Lieberman
On 13/03/2007 16:51, Colin Lieberman wrote:
At the risk of killing beautiful simplicity, can we consider amending this to

<!DOCTYPE html5>

or something similar? The omission of a version number feels like playing with fire to me.

Hum to say the least. One of the goals of the WHAT-WG is the
preservation of backwards compatibility, right ?


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