On 12.7.09 23:20, Ian Hickson wrote:
If people really want to push
Apple into supporting Theora, the best way to do it would be to just keep
using it as if it was the common codec, and _not_ provide another fallback
for<video>-supporting UAs -- then things would work fine it non-<video>-
supporting UAs like IE (through fallback flash support inside<video>),
and would work fine in Theora-supporting UAs, but Safari would be left in
the cold.

I'm fine doing this for myself: partly because it's pressure on Apple; perhaps mostly because I 
choose to make embedding videos that I can watch in-browser easy for myself, and because I 
don't particularly care if some portions of my audience are unable to see such videos and also 
choose not to download a browser that will display them ("fallback" content provides 
a download link -- I haven't made the effort to handle Safari4-sans-XiphQT yet, see supra).  
That said, my position will be uncommon, and I'm not particularly interested in making use of 
<video> right now harder for those who don't share it -- even if it comes at the expense 
of added pressure on Apple.


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