Am 15.01.2013 00:39 schrieb Nasko Oskov:
Hi whatwg,
I recently became aware of the proposal to add AllowSeamless attribute that
will permit cross-origin seamless iframes ( We are currently working on a
new security policy in Chrome, which will separate each site into its own
renderer process. More information can be found at

Re-reading this Chromium document, I had the idea that AllowSeamless may be a special case of something which should rather be like "AllowSameOrigin"?

A document that allows to be treated as same-origin by the including document would then be removed from the "siteInstance" (or security context) of its own origin, and added to the one of the including document.

I think that per-origin control would be necessary in this case, so it would look somehow like:
<meta name="allow-same-origin" content=",">
<html allow-same-origin=",">
<html allow-same-origin="all">

I see the following advantages compared to an AllowSeamless solution:
- New spec is only needed for the mechanism itself. All issues that derive from the mechanism are already covered by the same-origin policy. - Authors who decide to use AllowSameOrigin in a resource are more likely to be aware of security risks than they were about an AllowSeamless solution (which actually sounds like something purely design-related)

(Excuse me in case this is a silly idea - I am a web author with zero knowledge on browser implementation.)

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