Maybe I didn't express myself cleary, sorry. JPA is very cool and all,
but it requires jars that you have to download from Sun, because they
aren't distributed freely (thus This is a major problem
with Maven, since this is what Maven does - gets the publicly
available jars for you, so the only thing you have to do to build and
run a project is mvn package or mvn jetty:run.

Now, I don't say JPA is evil because of that. I'm currently working on
a project that is heavy-JPA and I too feel that it is one of the
coolest three-letter acronyms in Java. But it would hinder the
redistributabily and availability of the demo application - you'll
have to download the jars yourself and manually install it in Maven's
repository (and that sucks bit time). So for this reason, I prefer to
avoid it - it is hadly central for the project itself, and that is why
I even prefer to use a mocked-up model and not a big framework that
does some persisting.

On the other hand, it is important to show how Wicket works with
domain models, not just how it handles web page rendering and request
processing. I've went through three pases on how domain interaction
should be split around my components and models in the aforemented
project and each of them could have been avoided if I had a good
seperation between the two concepts before that. So for this reason,
it would be cool to have Spring and Hibernate, since they influence
building a web app a lot. So I'm not really sure which way to go.

And let me add something for my previous email, since it's too vague -
it would be a "How to build a pet store with wicket" guide. I think it
is good to start with something small and that will produce something
useful even if left unfinished (at least a demo application and maybe
a guide how to do it). But I also want to write a reference manual and
I actually started with this idea. One thing I'm lack is a Table of
Contents, though, since I have no idea of how to categorize everything
in Wicket. If anyone has an idea and feels that it is worth it, please
do send your thoughs - I will eventually start writing a reference
manual too.

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