On Feb 16, 2009, at 2:10 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:

> We could discuss why [CZ] failed but I think the real answer is
> simply that Wikipedia is "good enough" so there is very little
> interest in a new project doing the same thing.

I think you have pegged it exactly right.  In most large markets, the 
rule of thumb is that the #1 player holds 40% market share, the #2 
player holds 20% market share, the #3 player holds 10%, and then there 
are some little guys.  Most markets on the Internet, though, are 
"winner take all".  For example: eBay, Amazon, Wikipedia.  It's very 
hard for a newcomer to displace an established top player, *regardless 
of quality* (unless the quality difference is revolutionary).  So, we 
will likely never be able to test Larry Sanger's claim that giving 
experts ultimate say would produce a better encyclopedia.

Disclaimer: I've read three or four books on marketing, so that, uh, 
makes me an expert. ;)


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