Daniel Schwen schreef:
>> We had a pretty lengthy discussion about this before the summer, and the
>> consensus seemed to be that a fulltext-based approach looked most
>> viable.
> So how does this take care of deep indexing non-atomic categories? 
Err.. what? Please explain what you mean by that.
> =>How will this extension be even remotely useful for let's say commons?
Without addressing Commons in particular, having an efficient way to get 
pages in the intersection of multiple categories would allow wikis to 
delete a category such as [[Category:Deceased Presidents of the United 
States]] and replace it by, say, [[Intersection:Deceased Presidents of 
the United States]], which would list all articles in 
[[Category:Deceased people]] and [[Category:Presidents of the United 
States]]. My extension alone doesn't make that possible, but it makes 
implementing such a feature considerably easier.
> This discussion is far from over. The basic problems are _not_ solved. 
Would you care to elaborate on what those unsolved problems are?
> I'm sure this thread will die out soon. 
> Half of the participants will again be soothed by the promise of some easy 
> solution just barely beyond the horizon, while the half that realizes that 
> said solution _cannot possibly work_ without a radical reform of the category 
> system will again be too annoyed (I'm getting there already) to continue 
> discussing.
It would be nice if you didn't judge people as naive rightaway.

Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

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