On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Trevor Parscal <tpars...@wikimedia.org>wrote:

>    * The topic is supposed to be on Template Editing which is, at least
>      in the way it's being proposed, a little less of a stale topic -
>      so where is all the energy on that front? We have an XML format to
>      design and complex problems to sort out. Help is really needed.
>      Let's all take a look at the link provided at the beginning of
>      this thread http://usability.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template_forms
> - Trevor

I do think that sufficient energy has been directed at this topic. People
have complained that xml is harder to edit that wikitext and that it is too
complicated, among other things. Additionally, several people have pointed
out that solving this little part of the problem doesn't make sense in the
context of the larger problem at hand here. You are trying to separate the
issue of template editing from the larger issue of wikitext, and that
doesn't make sense. Also, I am quite serious about my point that an entirely
new language interface specification will be added to MediaWiki and that it
will be widely adopted and propagate throughout the wikisphere, much like
parser functions, and in the end will make the job of fixing MediaWiki much,
much harder. As it is very important developers already thing the problem is
so hard as to be impossible. I disagree with that, but at the same time I
don't think it's a good idea to make it even harder.

So I don't think help is needed in designing a new xml interface
specification for mediawiki right now. I'm also a bit confused, because I
thought we had this new strategic planning wiki, but it looks like the
strategy aspect of this proposal is being largely ignored. From what I have
heard, there was a meeting about how to solve this problem among core devs
and a few others at wikimedia headquarters, they decided what the solution
would be, and now you guys are moving forward on implementing it, totally
ignoring the strategy wiki.
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