On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Brian <brian.min...@colorado.edu> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Roan Kattouw <roan.katt...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> 2009/9/25 Brian <brian.min...@colorado.edu>:
>> > Also, I am quite serious about my point that an entirely
>> > new language interface specification will be added to MediaWiki and that
>> it
>> > will be widely adopted and propagate throughout the wikisphere, much
>> like
>> > parser functions, and in the end will make the job of fixing MediaWiki
>> much,
>> > much harder.
>> Whatever wikitext ends up becoming, it will probably still have
>> templates in some form. If the XML language is designed properly, it
>> won't make any assumptions about the current state of wikitext and
>> templates, other than that:
>> * there are such things as templates
>> * they accept parameters
>> * parameters can, but need not, have names, types, descriptions, etc.;
>> types may or may not be enforced
>> This very limited set of assumptions will hold in any language that
>> implements templates in a remotely sane way.
>> > From what I have
>> > heard, there was a meeting about how to solve this problem among core
>> devs
>> > and a few others at wikimedia headquarters, they decided what the
>> solution
>> > would be
>> That's news to me; I'd very much like to hear from these people what
>> their proposed solution is.
>> > , and now you guys are moving forward on implementing it, totally
>> > ignoring the strategy wiki.
>> You make it sound like we're just going ahead and doing this, totally
>> ignoring everyone else's opinions. Instead, we're proposing and
>> discussing it on this list to get input from other people. If you
>> think there's a more appropriate place to discuss this, just point us
>> there; don't go around blasting us because we failed to read your
>> mind.
>> Roan Kattouw (Catrope)
> It appears that there is a desire for this project to fit within the scope of 
> the Usability Initiative, which to me says that there is a strong desire to 
> implement it starting soon. Trevor's e-mail indicates as much - let's stop 
> talking strategy and start designing so we can implement.
> I believe there was a meeting at headquarters with Brion, Trevor, Yaron,
> and maybe others. I don't know, I wasn't there. All I know is that at this
> meeting they decided that they would implement this feature. The XML aspect
> is honestly immaterial to me - it's just an implementational detail, the
> decision to do this having been decided entirely off wiki.
> I am not here saying that it is a bad feature, not a bit. In fact I have
> previously advocated on this list for the ability for users to specify
> form-like interfaces. What I am saying is that I think it's premature. There
> is a tradeoff that needs to be balanced here. It's easy to add new features
> and hard to fix the old one. As we add new features however we diverse
> farther and farther from the possibility of fixing wikitext. This is
> especially when efforts to add new features are done entirely out of the
> context of a clear strategy for eventually fixing wikitext.
> So before a feature such as this is implemented, or any new substantial
> language is added to MediaWiki (such as ParserFunctions, or this interface
> specification language), I would like to see work done on the Strategy wiki.
> I don't think new work such as this should be done outside of the context of
> a very clear vision of how we will eventually fix the whole problem. And I'm
> entirely willing to help.
Sorry for my typos: one -> ones, diverse -> diverge.
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