On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 1:53 PM, bawolff <bawolff...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As a volunteer person, I'm fine if code I commit is reverted based on
> it sucking, being too complicated, being too ugly, etc provided there
> is actually some objection to the code. However, I'd be rather
> offended if it was reverted on the basis of no one got around to
> looking at in the last 3 days, since that is something essentially out
> of my control.

When someone looks at your commit within ~72 hours and reverts it because
nobody's yet managed to figure out whether it works or not and it needs more
research and investigation... what was the reason for the revert?

Because 'no one reviewed it'? Or because someone looked at it and decided it
needed more careful review than they could give yet?

-- brion
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