On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Thomas Gries <m...@tgries.de> wrote:
> Perhaps some of you (as the "profs") could hold a kind of a "(virtual)
> teaching class" to teach newbies in improving their CR skills?
Basically its:
* Make sure the commit does what the <del>tin</del><ins>commit
summary</ins> says.
* Doesn't cause any "major" breakages.
* Doesn't introduced any "bad" code or security vulnerability code
(eg: XSS/CSRF)
* Code style guidelines only play a little part (and they can easily
be fixed by anyone, if people submit stuff that is slightly off the

And if people don't feel comfortable reviewing the code or don't have
the experience, they can use the sign off feature to indicated that
they have inspected/tested it and that it seems ok,

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