Hi everyone,

Those with a keen eye will notice that I filed T124255
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T124255>, which calls for renaming
#MediaWIki-RfCs in Phab to "#ArchCom-RfC".  This would be a boring Phab
administrivia email if it was simply that.

The reason I want the rename:  ArchCom is the mechanism we hope to ensure
we build and deploy increasingly excellent software on the Wikimedia
production cluster in a consensus-oriented manner.  MediaWiki is at the
center of this, but ArchCom's responsibility doesn't end with MediaWiki.

T124255 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T124255> is an odd place to have
a more sweeping conversation about the scope of ArchCom, but it'll do for
now.  Feel free to comment there or on this mailing list.

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