On 17/04/2014 08:36, kmx wrote:
FWIW, the

my $output = `the_exe_name arg1 arg2`;

way is to capture just STDOUT - _not_ STDERR. Regardless of OS.

Many thanks. As it happens, I'm only interested in capturing stdout. I tried 3 x variations, based on your suggestions:-

Attempt #1:
my $output = 'gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index --source builtin_icons gtk/stock-icons';

Response a) - simply running 'my_perl-script.pl' produces no output file.
Response b) - running 'my_perl_script.pl > test.txt' produces an output file called "test.txt" but it's still empty.

Attempt #2:
        use IPC::Run3;
        my $output;
run3(["gtk-update-icon-cache", "--force", "--ignore-theme-index", "--source", "builtin_icons", "gtk/stock-icons"], undef, \$output);

Response a) - simply running 'my_perl-script.pl' produces no output file.
Response b) - running 'my_perl_script.pl > test.txt' produces this error message:- run3(): Permission denied saving STDOUT at F:\GTK-SOURCES\my_per_script.pl line 6.

Attempt #3:
        use IPC::Run3;
        my $output;
run3(["gtk-update-icon-cache", "--force", "--ignore-theme-index", "--source", "builtin_icons", "gtk/stock-icons"], undef, \$std_out);

Responses are identical to attempt #2

It seems so near and yet so far away!


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