On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Roger Fujii wrote:

> would be).  And given that IMHO, a lot of wine work to be done 
> (looking at Direct* and other M$ stuff) falls under the unpleasant column
> (ie, most people won't do this for fun), discouraging commercial work
> doesn't seem to be the way to go.

And how, pray you tell, is that beneficial in _any_way_ to Wine, if there
is no guarantee of seeing that code? Why should Wine care? Why should we?

Saying 'someday' is not good enough. Without a bound, it's
meaningless. What if M$ says: we will eventually open source Windows. Will
that make you happy? But more importantly, does it _mean_ anything. I'm
afraid it does not (and that can actually be proven logically:)).


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