On Sun, 22 Dec 2002, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> What I'm thinking is incorporating the first group into the wine code
> itself (I'm thinking the server startup, synchroniously done). For the
> second group, create a wineboot program, and have a single option saying
> whether the wineserver should run it on startup or not.

It is my understanding that if you put these in the wine server you will
not be able to use the Windows APIs. This will make it unnecessarily
complex to handle the move and renames since the paths will be windows

Putting this code in a standalone utility will allow you to use the
Windows API and then calling it from the Wine server (if that is the way
we go) is just a fork away. It also makes the 'when is it called' more
flexible which can come in handy.

Francois Gouget         [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://fgouget.free.fr/
        It really galls me that most of the computer power in the world
                          is wasted on screen savers.
                     Chris Caldwell from the GIMPS project

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