Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
On February 3, 2003 11:58 am, Duane Clark wrote:

This is a separate bug from the other listview patches. If an app sends
a LISTVIEW_Paint to a new listview before adding any items (which an app
was :-) the item size was not getting set, causing subsequent
LISTVIEW_Paint calls to clip the painting.

       Make sure item size is initialized when the first item is added.

This is an optimization I've put in to avoid a lot of complex calculations
while the listview is initially populated (typically before it's being
painted). You are right, we have to detect the change nItemCount from 0
to 1, to do all those calculations. But since we don't actually need them
until we paint, I'd like to defer them as much as possible. Moreover,
with your patch, we don't catch the SetItemCount case. What about this
patch instead:
Last night almost the same solution occured to me, so yes I would agree this is better.

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