Ivan Gyurdiev wrote:
H. Verbeet wrote:
On 03/10/06, Ivan Gyurdiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
+    IWineD3DDevice_SetTexture(iface, D3DDMAPSAMPLER, NULL);
I don't think wined3d should depend on d3d9 includes. There are
currently a number of places in wined3d where we do use d3d9
constants, but at least for new code I don't think we should add
dependencies on d3d9 includes.
This old code/new code pattern doesn't make any sense to be honest. Either we depend on d3d9 includes or we don't. If there is a problem, it needs to be solved now, for the entire codebase. If there isn't a problem, I should be free to use whatever constants are necessary.

There aren't "a number of places" - it's practically the entire dll right now. So, I think it's a lost cause, unless we really try to pursue this, and remove the d3d9.h from the include list so it won't compile.
By the way, I have no problem choosing this second option.
If there's interest let me know, and I'll change all the underlying types in one go.

<but this is completely orthogonal to this patch>

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