Am Montag, 29. Oktober 2007 00:55:34 schrieb Brian Dunne:
> but
> I encountered a pretty serious problem when trying to wine World of
> Warcraft in OpenGL mode. In short, it won't draw models - it seems to draw
> environments and effect animations fine, but characters and objects like
> benches and mailboxes are invisible.
The problem is that if something like this happens in OpenGL mode, we can do 
almost nothing. OpenGL is to 99% a pass through, so the app calls the driver 
directly. We do not have the chance to alter anything if the driver doesn't 
like what the app is doing. So your best bet is to file a bug at ATI 
concerning this.

But can you try d3d mode? In the past, the ATI drivers preferred that over 
WoW's OpenGL renderer.

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